
Showing posts from January, 2020

The Arbolarios

Long ago, one of the most powerful Arbolarios (a genie from the storms) stole a lagoon from the north of Central America. No one was sure from where, how, and when he had stolen it. The locals merely noted an odd being flying with an eggshell over them. Several minutes passed, and when the Arbolario was flying around the Tecapa Volcano, he lost his balance, and the eggshell fell down aside. Hence the lagoon that was born nearby is tilted as the Alegria Lagoon. Many years later, the same Arbolario tried to steal Lake Güija. But this time, it was impossible because he was not strong enough and wholly gave up. Nowadays, everyone assures you; that you can only see the Arbolarios when the storms roar and emit sparks. At that moment, you will perceive a pair of baroque eyes. These eyes are from evil genies (figure 1) best known as the Arbolarios. Most probably, they are planning their next big crime. Only one thing is certain; they're going to destroy something in their way. Furthe

The Managuas

The Maya and the Kekchi called this genie “Mam,” and the Pipil tribe named it “Man-Agua” (Man-water). During a stormy night in the 500s, a powerful thunder struck the Earth. The Pipil leader left his home to see what was happening. He was already worried because this had been one of the most powerful and long storms in his life. The tribe was losing their cornfields (their main source of food) because of the unstoppable storms. It had been months since the last time any had seen the sun. When he left his house and walked around, he was afraid because he had seen for the first time a white woman (figure 1). The woman was as magnificent as no other, and it seemed that the storm had lowered her to the Earth. Suddenly, she rose again to the clouds, where she had come from, and was unseen for a while. Figure 1. A Managua in the eye of a storm.  ¹ Over the following weeks, many Indians described the same white woman or women appearing across their area. The woman always showed up