
Many moons ago, the Siguanaba’s son was taken to the hereafter because his mother was cursed and forced to live in the Salvadoran rivers until the end of time.

After the Siguanaba was cursed and vanished, Tlaloc called his son and told him: “Son. I have cursed your wife forever. She is going to live in the rivers washing her clothes and scaring bad men because of her greed and irresponsibility.”

Tlaloc’s son couldn’t believe what he was listening to and replied: “Father, why are you taking all that I have? Haven’t I had work enough to have at least my child?”

Tlaloc answered: “Son, I understand, but you have more responsibilities in this town. You will see your son again one day.”

The man was furious and disappointed because his father took everything he had: his wife, his child, his dignity, all. They discussed for hours until he accepted his destiny and left his child with him. Meanwhile, he would try to recover the love of his life. He started a quest in every Salvadoran river, but he would never find her because he was a good man.

After many years, Cipitio was allowed to return to his homeland again. Tlaloc blessed him and said: “My child, your time has come to visit your town again. You are not going to grow up anymore. You are going to be a child forever!”

The Cipitio started to visit new rivers and towns all over El Salvador. He threw pebbles and flowers from the top of the trees (figure 1) to any beautiful girl that went alone to wash her clothes. Many girls were flattered by her unknown admirer, while other ones felt annoyed; therefore, they ate in front of the toilet bowl to scare him.

Figure 1. The Cipitio sitting on a tree branch. ¹

However, please recall he is just a Salvadoran child as many of us were, he doesn’t want to injure anyone. Plus, he enjoys playing jokes and eating ashes from nearby villages.

Many villagers complain because their houses are a mess the next day and say: “Cipitio, I’m going to catch you one day!” Nevertheless, they don’t know that while he walks in El Salvador, he has his feet twisted backward; therefore, if anyone tries to follow him, they will always walk in the wrong direction.

Other people say he can teleport from one place to another and laugh while he is doing it, but this is just a rumor.

If you want to meet him, don’t forget to bring some Maquilishuat ashes with you because he really loves them. Perhaps he could tell you some of his secrets (don’t tell him that I told you this). However, take care because he is a harmless trickster and could play some nasty jokes, and the next day, you’re going to have a mess at home!

Inspired by Waves Tours Fiestas 2017.



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