The Amate Flower

The Amate is a well-known tree in El Salvador. Its tree is unique from others in its physical structure and nature. Its trunk is very thick and badly formed because it has some protuberances, which make the trunk look like a badly made cable roll, its branches also are a little badly formed. If you look at them closely, they have a claw look. In short, a tree is out of the ordinary, besides not giving flowers or fruits.

The Salvadorans say this tree has a dark secret about its deformed branches. At midnight, in the crown of it, a beautiful white flower is born, which falls to the ground. The man who manages to grab it will have everything he wants, love, money, health, immortality, anything! But it is not so easy because the real test is to fight against the devil, who is the owner of this flower (figure 1).

Figure 1. The devil and the Amate Flower. ¹

Everyone knows this is a fight to the death. If the devil wins, he takes the soul of that man. However, if the man wins, he will have everything he wants.

In addition, there are some people who can see this tree bloom. However, if you’re one of them, the devil will mute you because no one should ever say anything about this enchanted flower and where its location.



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