The Dwarf

Many years ago, during the colonization, a mischievous dwarf traveled from Ireland in one of the British Empire ships, which arrived in Belize. He lived for a while there, but later he started to travel across Central America and settled down in El Salvador because he enjoyed its diverse ecosystem and preferred the Spanish language.

During his trips around El Salvador, he met Nora, a beautiful lady from Ilobasco. She was the most beautiful lady in her town even though she won many pageant contests like “Miss Cabañas” because of her fabulous smile, tan and impressive rear. She inherited the best from her father, who was a Spaniard, and her mother, who was from the western part of El Salvador. The perfect mix, you would say.

For most of her childhood and teenage years, she was an extremely popular girl, but one day her misfortune happened. She was on a school trip, and she decided to take a shower in the Lempa river because it was a hot day in the last days of summer.

While she was taking her shower, she started to hear some laughs “ha ha ha ha” from a child, she thought: “It must be an admirer or the Cipitio” and continued her shower. Nevertheless, after several minutes the laughs didn’t stop, and she was frightened and came back from the school trip. Her teacher was mad because they were looking for her for almost half an hour, and no one knew where she was and punished her by writing 200 lines, I won’t leave the crew without notifying my teacher, and she sent a letter to her parents.

Nora was annoyed because of her punishment, but she couldn’t care less about it because her parents were proud of her daughter and didn’t tell her anything.

However, at night, she heard the same laughs again, but she couldn’t see anything and started to call her mom: “Mommy! Mommy! Something is chasing me, someone is laughing, and I cannot see anything.”

When her mom arrived, she told her: “Nora, you are a grown-up lady to disturb us while we sleep as if you were a child.”

She tried to sleep, but when she almost did, she saw an eye in her window for a second, but later on, there was nothing. When she was too tired of thinking, she slept.

In the following days, she felt like a presence was chasing her, but she couldn’t see anything. All the people who heard her story thought she was crazy, until one day, she visited a very old woman in a nearby city who told her:

“Nora, I think the dwarf is chasing you, this spirit always follows the most beautiful woman, until they do something that he hates like not taking a shower.

He will even create a huge mess in your life if you don’t get rid of him. Right now, you’re single. However, if you date anyone, he will blow a fart with stinky smells or create disturbing noises. Later, no one would want to date you because they will think you are dirty or cursed!”

She was shocked because of her words, and she thought it was a huge hurdle to don’t take a shower or be nasty. She was neat and nice, she started with some small tricks that she had heard worked with the Cipitio like eating in her bathroom or wearing a garlic necklace during her classes and many more things, but nothing happened.

The old woman continued with a story of her first date with a handsome boy from Nicaragua. On this day, the dwarf (figure 1), made a trap that the guy would think, she was a smelly woman. The dwarf started to fart uncontrollably, particularly when he almost kissed her. She burst into tears because of her curse because she never saw him again.

Figure 1. The dwarf and his gold. ¹

After everything Nora had heard, she knew what to do. She went to a farm in San Miguel, where no one else could see her. Later, she jumped into a mud puddle and played with the pigs. She imitated them saying: “oink oink oink.” Suddenly, a little person with emerald clothes and a pot of gold was in front of her and said: “You are disgusting! I thought you could be a good wife! Get out of my sight.”

He vanished, and her life went back to normal. She never heard those creepy laughs or saw that little person again.

This dwarf is very mischievous, and now, lives in the rural sides near the volcanoes, forests, and rivers. He is always in love with any beautiful girl that he meets and thinks it’s his true love! He will chase them until the end of her days or until she does something that he hates like don’t take a bath for three months or being extremely unhealthy and playing in the mood like a pig.

¹ Движение Новые Скифы © 2017 All Rights Reserved Проект Новые Скифы.


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