Lake Coatepeque Snake

In the Lake Coatepeque in El Salvador live a magical snake (figure 1), so massive, and so powerful that all people are scared of it. Some Salvadorans said it looked like a basilisk because it has horns but is partially blind because the Spaniards cut one of its eyes during a war.

Figure 1. The snake. ¹

Nowadays, it hibernates in the lake abysses waiting for its return to the surface to continue petrifying more people with its powers.

One day the inhabitants said from the year 1700 and beyond the snake started to snort yearly, when this happens, the waters trembled and shook, and everyone can hear the rumblings. Many Santanecos think this is the reason for the powerful quakes that shake Central America.

After the snort stops, they assure they cannot stand the sulfur smell that they perceive in the place for three days, a smell the inhabitants associate with hell. They consider the snake came from there. Plus, snort causes the inhabitants to be baffled for many days.



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