The Jar of El Congo

Long ago, on a farm owned by Mr. Ceferino Mancía in El Congo, some of his workers found a massive rock, and for unknown reasons, decided to move it. They were ecstatic because when they moved it, they noticed an old clay jar underneath it that was full of gold and silver coins! (Figure 1)

Figure 1. The jar of El Congo. ¹

One of the workers saw Mr. Ceferino walking around, ran to him, and told him the great news! The farmer without thinking ran rapidly to collect this treasure and went to his house back.

Everyone thought, Mr. Ceferino as the owner was very lucky, and the treasure seemed like a blessing at first glance, and perhaps, he would share a bit with them. Nevertheless, in the following days, the farmer became mysteriously ill and died without any sign. No doctor could comprehend what had happened, and everyone agreed he died of natural death.

Hours later, the workers heard the news and decided to bury this cursed treasure one more time, where they found it; therefore, no one would die again from the temptation to have it.

Years later, the rock was moved again without the treasure this time, and nowadays, it is called a “monolith” and, it is exhibited at the old Mancía’s gas station in El Congo City Center.

Inspired by Leyendas de El Salvador’s version.

¹ © Fox News


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