The Rock of Cayaguanca

At the foot of the hill, there was an indigenous population. This place was ruled by a strong and bad-tempered cacique, who had a very beautiful daughter, which everyone pretended and coveted, even the character we have discovered so far. The warrior was named Cayaguanca.

Cayaguanca was a powerful and respected warrior. He did not possess any wealth for which he was well unseen by the bitter and protective father. However, Cayaguanca managed to conquer the young maiden’s heart, and with his love, they met secretly. Nevertheless, you cannot hide a secret forever, and the inevitable day arrived.

The cacique realized the romance between the warrior and his daughter, he was enraged and granted the order to capture Cayaguanca. After the warriors had caught Cayaguanca, the cacique ordered to fasten him to the rock and depart from it there until he died of hunger and cold, Cayaguanca’s tears were unmeasurable that flooded the indigenous tribe, then he started to become solid until he transformed into a rock, obscuring everything. Ultimately, the rock adopted the shape of what we know today as the rock of Cayaguanca (figure 1).

Figure 1. The rock of Cayaguanca.


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