The Haunted House of Santa Ana

The house is located on the 2nd South Avenue and 13th West Street next to Narcisa Castillo’s nursing home and is full of mysterious stories (figure 1). Many people believe it was once a school and a bank, but no one is sure about its past since it’s extremely old.

Figure 1. The haunted house. ¹

Recently, several people assured you that the city hall recently closed all its doors with bricks because some uncommon visitors were performing satanic rituals inside bringing evils from hell.

Before the satanic arrived, several people had seen uncountable abnormal shadows rooming around the windows on some specific nights. Some crazy people even tried to spend a night inside until they started to hear crazy frightening screaming coming from nowhere! Everyone ran away for their lives.

Everyone who has seen or heard strange things in this house does not recommend anyone to pass after 12 oclock at night since it could be terrifying, and you don’t know who you will meet. Avoid it at any cost!

Inspired by Leyendas de El Salvador’s version.



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