Olomega Lagoon Siren

Long ago, a siren from some faraway lands mysteriously reached the Olomega Lagoon. In those days, the lagoon was inhabited mainly by hard-working fishermen from the Lenca tribe.

The siren started to swim in the lagoon until it reached the largest island called Olomegón. She decided that this would become her new kingdom (figure 1). A place that she would rule with her melodic voice.

Figure 1. The Siren.

Over the years, the inhabitants started to listen to a lovely voice singing inside the lake. One that captivated everyone and could be heard at night mainly.

One night, a very brave fisherman decided to chase that song. He could not believe what he was listening to. He fell in love. He started to paddle his canoe, trying to find that melodic voice.

Several minutes later, he discovered the voice was coming from Olomegón Island. He started to walk around it, and on its summit, he discovered who was singing. He saw the most alluring woman he had ever seen. Her beauty and voice were extremely hypnotic. He wanted to go closer to her, but the closer he was, the crazier and desperate he was getting.

Somehow, the fisherman recovered his sanity for a brief moment and decided to escape.

On his return to the town, he shared with everyone his discovery and warned them about the siren.

Nowadays, the siren still lives in the lagoon, and her songs attract everyone who comes to fish at midnight or early in the morning. The siren keeps singing until they go mad and lose their marbles.


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