The Witches of Izalco

In 1995 on October 31st, I was coming back from a long trip to Panama. My company had sent me to deliver several tons of coal and wood to the canal. It had been one of the most tiring trips in my life. I just wanted to reach my house and sleep in my bed.

Around 1am, I reached Izalco and tried to go directly to my home, but suddenly, I saw some curious lights moving in the cemetery. I had never seen any lights in the cemetery at night. I decided to park next to the Ash River (Río Ceniza in Spanish) and entered the cemetery to check what was happening.

I started to walk carelessly inside the cemetery when suddenly, a white dog approached me with a kind of stick, but as soon as he left it next to me. I noticed it was not a stick, but a massive bone. The dog fled as soon as it had released the bone next to me. I only crossed myself and kept walking inside the cemetery. I thought nothing important had happened.

After a while, I started to hear some strange words from behind, "Kakasbal Kakasbal! Your servant is calling you! Come here! Kakasbal!"

I started to feel that it had been a terrible idea when suddenly, something stabbed me in my back, and I fell to my knees in severe pain. I fainted almost immediately.

It could have been minutes, or hours, I didn’t know, but when I woke up, I was tied to a tree, and in front of me, there was a witch inside a circle of candles (figure 1).

Figure 1. The witch of the cemetery.

All my life I had heard there were witches in Izalco, but I always thought they were just a myth to scare us and be good kids. I had never met any of them in my entire life, but that night, she was in front of me.

The witch just approached me and said, "oh, dear, it seems no one ever told you that you should never ever to any cemetery at night. My master Kakasbal is going to enjoy your soul.

For generations, all of us have been trying to persuade a dumb man to visit our cemetery during the blue moon at midnight. Tonight, it is the perfect time to invoke him and bring chaos to the world!

Thankfully, you will be an excellent sacrifice. My sisters will be glad because of my success! WE ARE GOING TO FINALLY OPEN THE DOOR TO HELL AND BRING ALL DEMONS TO RULE THE HUMAN WORLD! HAHA HAHA HAHA!"

I couldn’t believe what was happening. I would be sacrificed for a devil! This couldn’t be real! I started to pray with all my heart because the witch took a knife out of her pocket.

I was sure this was my last day and started to ask for forgiveness from the Almighty. I had always tried to be a good Salvadoran. I never stole or did anything bad to anyone. However, when the witch had opened my t-shirt and my chest was exposed, the white dog that I had seen before bit her badly in her right hand.


The white cadejo and the witch started a powerful fight. The witch started to conjure evil spells, trying to reach me, but the white cadejo protected me with his powers. Several minutes passed, and the cadejo forced the witch to fall down in the middle of her circle. It seemed she had broken one leg because she couldn’t stand up anymore.

The white cadejo released me and supported me to leave the cemetery almost intact. The witch kept cursing us, but after a while, we stopped listening to her evil words.

The white cadejo left me next to my truck and vanished in front of my eyes. I started to drive my truck as fast as I could, but when I arrived house, I was extremely sick. I had an extreme fever and could barely speak.

After several days, I shared with my wife what had happened that terrible night.

My wife called the local priest, and he came as soon as he could.

The priest explained to me that I had been lucky because I had met most likely the leader of the witches. He couldn’t believe how careless she had been, but now, I had to rest and hope for the best. Some men over the centuries had been unlucky to awake Kakasbal, one of the most powerful demons from hell. He had corrupted their souls and brought chaos to El Salvador for generations.

The priest also said that I had been fortunate because he believed I wasn’t fully cursed by the witch since I was intact. However, some midnights on every November 2nd, I might be able to hear in my dreams the witch calling me with the name of her master, Kakasbal. On those nights, I should wake up and keep myself awake until the next morning. The priest event suggested that between November 1st and 2nd, I should never sleep to avoid her powers over me since I was weaker than the witches’ influence.

Now that you know my story, share it with everyone you know, and be careful if you ever see those lights in Izalco! Take care of yourself!


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